Name of the city in which the patient resides at the time of diagnosis.
USPS abbreviation for the state, territory, commonwealth, U.S. possession, or CanadaPost abbreviation for the Canadian province/territory in which the patient resides at the time of diagnosis.
Code for the county of the patient's residence at the time of diagnosis.
Code for the county of the patient's residence at the time the tumor was diagnosed is a derived (geocoded) variable based on Census Boundary files from 1990 Decennial Census.
Code for the county of the patient's residence at the time the tumor was diagnosed is a derived (geocoded) variable based on Census Boundary files from 2000 Decennial Census.
Code for the county of the patient's residence at the time the tumor was diagnosed is a derived (geocoded) variable based on Census Boundary files from 2010 Decennial Census.
Code for the county of the patient's residence at the time the tumor was diagnosed is a derived (geocoded) variable based on Census Boundary files from 2020 Decennial Census.
Postal code for the address of the patient's residence at the time of diagnosis.
Country code for the address of the patient's residence at the time the reportable tumor is diagnosed.
Code for the census tract or BNA of the patient's residence at the time of diagnosis.
Identified the set of Census Bureau census tract definitions (boundaries) that were used to code the census tract in Census Tract 1970/80/90 [110] for a specific record.
This field is provided for coding census tract (using 2000 census data) of patient's residence at time of diagnosis.
This field is provided for coding census tract (using 2010 census data) of patient's residence at time of diagnosis.
Assigns a code for neighborhood poverty level based on the census tract of diagnosis address.
Code the patient's race.
Code the patient's race.
Code the patient's race.
Code the patient's race.
Code the patient's race.
Code identifying persons of Spanish or Hispanic origin.
The NAACCR Hispanic Identification Algorithm (NHIA) uses a combination of standard variables to directly or indirectly classify cases as Hispanic for analytic purposes.
This variable captures the results of the linkage of the registry database with the Indian Health Service patient registration database.
The NAACCR Asian/Pacific Islander Identification Algorithm (NAPIIA) uses a combination of standard variables to directly or indirectly classify cases as asian/pacific islander for analytic purposes.
Code identifying those cases for which ethnicity was determined by matching Name--Last [2230] and Name--Maiden [2390] to a computer list of Spanish/Hispanic names or by a software algorithm.
Code identifying the method used to determine ethnicity as recorded in Computed Ethnicity [200].
Code for the sex of the patient.
Age of the patient at diagnosis in complete years.
Date of birth of the patient.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of Birth [240].
Code for place of birth of the patient.
USPS abbreviation for the state, commonwealth, U.S. possession; or CanadaPost abbreviation for the Canadian province/territory in which the patient was born.
Code for the country in which the patient was born.
Code for the patient's usual occupation, using U.S. Census Bureau codes (2000 Census26 is preferable) according to coding procedures recommended for death certificates.
Code for the patient's usual industry, using U.S. Census Bureau codes (see note below) according to coding procedures recommended for death certificates.
Code for the patient's usual industry, using U.S. Census Bureau codes (2000 Census26 is preferable) according to coding procedures recommended for death certificates.
Code for the patient's usual occupation, using U.S. Census Bureau codes (see note below) according to coding procedures recommended for death certificates.
Code that best describes the source of occupation information provided on this patient.
Code that best describes the source of industry information provided on this patient.
Text area for information about the patient's usual occupation, also known as usual type of job or work.
Text area for information about the patient's usual industry, also known as usual kind of business/industry.
Use of tobacco by patient.
History of alcohol consumption by patient.
Family history of cancer.
This field is provided for coding the block group of patient's residence at time of diagnosis, as defined by the 2000 Census.
This field is provided for coding the block group of patient's residence at time of diagnosis, as defined by the 2010 Census.
Code indicating basis of assignment of census tract or block numbering area (BNA) for an individual record.
Code indicating basis of assignment of census tract for an individual record.
Code indicating the basis of assignment of latitude and longitude coordinates for an individual record from an address.
Code indicating basis of assignment of census tract for an individual record.
This field is provided for coding the block group of patient's residence at time of diagnosis, as defined by the 1970, 1980, or 1990 Census.
Code indicates the sequence of all reportable neoplasms over the lifetime of the person.
Date of initial diagnosis by a recognized medical practitioner for the tumor being reported whether clinically or microscopically confirmed.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of Diagnosis [390].
Code for the primary site of the tumor being reported using either ICD-O-2 or ICD-O-3.
Code for the side of a paired organ, or the side of the body on which the reportable tumor originated.
Codes for the histologic type of the tumor being reported using ICD-O-2.
Code for the behavior of the tumor being reported using ICD-O-2.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of Multiple Tumors [445].
Code for the grade or degree of differentiation of the reportable tumor.
Identifies all cases, including death certificate only and autopsy only, for which an ambiguous term is the most definitive word or phrase used to establish a cancer diagnosis.
Documents the date when a conclusive cancer diagnosis (definite statement of malignancy) is made following an initial diagnosis that was based only on ambiguous terminology.
This data item is used to identify the type of multiple tumors in cases with multiple tumors that are abstracted and reported as a single primary using the SEER, IARC, or Canadian Cancer Registry multiple primary rules.
This data item is used to identify the month, day and year the patient is diagnosed with multiple tumors reported as a single primary using the SEER, IARC, or Canadian Cancer Registry multiple primary rules.
This data item is used to count the number of tumors (multiplicity) that are reported as a single primary, when present at the time of diagnosis or occurring later.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of Conclusive DX [443].
Code for the best method of diagnostic confirmation of the cancer being reported at any time in the patient's history.
This variable codes the source documents used to abstract the majority of information on the tumor being reported. This may not be the source of original case finding.
This variable codes the earliest source of identifying information.
Codes for the histologic type of the tumor being reported using ICD-O-3.
Code for the behavior of the tumor being reported using ICD-O-3.
This data item records the most accurate measurement of a solid primary tumor, usually measured on the surgical resection specimen.
Code for summary stage at the initial diagnosis or treatment of the reportable tumor.
Code for summary stage at the initial diagnosis or treatment of the reportable tumor.
Site-specific EOD codes provide extensive detail describing disease extent.
Detailed site-specific codes for anatomic EOD used by SEER for tumors diagnosed from 1988 forward.
This is an additional field for prostate cancer only to reflect information from radical prostatectomy, effective with 1995 diagnoses.
Site-specific EOD codes provide extensive detail describing disease extent.
Records the exact number of regional nodes examined by the pathologist and found to contain metastases.
Records the total number of regional lymph nodes that were removed and examined by the pathologist.
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic tumor (T) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic nodes (N) as defined by AJCC and recorded by physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic metastases (M) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic stage group as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Identified the AJCC clinical stage (prefix/suffix) descriptor as recorded by the physician.
Identifies the person who recorded the pathologic AJCC staging elements and the stage group in the patient's medical record.
Detailed site-specific codes for the clinical tumor (T) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the clinical nodes (N) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the clinical metastases (M) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Detailed site-specific codes for the clinical stage group as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician.
Identifies the AJCC clinical stage (prefix/suffix) descriptor as recorded by the physician.
Identifies the person who recorded the clinical AJCC staging elements and the stage group in the patient's medical record.
A code that indicates the edition of the AJCC manual used to stage the case.
Codes for a site of distant metastases.
Codes for a site of distant metastases.
Codes for a site of distant metastases.
This field identifies whether bone is an involved metastatic site. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
This field identifies whether brain is an involved metastatic site. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
This field identifies whether distant lymph node(s) is an involved metastatic site. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
This field identifies whether liver is an involved metastatic site. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
This field identifies whether lung is an involved metastatic site. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
This field identifies whether other metastatic involvement, other than bone, brain, liver, lung or distant lymph nodes exists. Some examples include but are not limited to the adrenal gland, bone marrow, pleura, peritoneum and skin. The six Mets at Dx-Metastatic Sites fields provide information on specific metastatic sites for data analysis.
Records prognostic indicators for specific sites or histologies.
Records prognostic indicators for specific sites or histologies.
Records prognostic indicators for specific sites or histologies.
Indicates whether lymph-vascular invasion (LVI) is identified in the pathology report.
Date the first surgery of the type described under Surgery of Primary Site, Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery, or Surgery of Other Regional Site(s), Distant Site(s) or Distant Lymph Nodes was performed.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Surgery [1200].
Records the date on which radiation therapy began at any facility that is part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Radiation [1210].
Date of initiation of chemotherapy that is part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Chemo [1220].
Date of initiation for hormone therapy that is part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Hormone [1230].
Date of initiation for immunotherapy (a.k.a. biological response modifier) that is part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--BRM [1240].
Date of initiation for other treatment that is part of the first course of treatment at any facility.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Other [1250].
Date of initiation of the first therapy for the cancer being reported, using the CoC definition of first course.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of 1st Crs RX [1270].
Records the date on which the surgical diagnostic and/or staging procedure was performed.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--DX/Stg Proc [1280].
This data item is a summary of the status for all treatment modalities.
Site-specific codes for the type of surgery to the primary site performed as part of the first course of treatment.
Describes the removal, biopsy or aspiration of regional lymph node(s) at the time of surgery of the primary site or during a separate surgical event at all facilities.
Records the surgical removal of distant lymph nodes or other tissue(s)/organ(s) beyond the primary site.
Codes for the number of regional lymph nodes examined in conjunction with surgery performed as part of the first-course treatment.
Codes for method used to approach the surgical field for the primary site.
Codes describe the final status of surgical margins after resection of the primary tumor.
Codes for surgical procedures done to reconstruct, restore, or improve the shape and appearance or function of body structures that are missing, defective, damaged, or misshapen by cancer or therapies.
Records the reason that no surgery was performed on the primary site.
Identifies the surgical procedure(s) performed in an effort to diagnose and/or stage disease.
Codes for the type of radiation therapy performed as part of the first course of treatment.
Codes for the sequencing of radiation and surgery given as part of the first course of treatment.
Codes for chemotherapy given as part of the first course of treatment or the reason chemotherapy was not given.
Records whether systemic hormonal agents were administered as first-course treatment at any facility, or the reason they were not given.
Records whether immunotherapeutic (biologic response modifiers) agents were administered as first-course treatment at all facilities or the reason they were not given.
Identifies other treatment given at all facilities that cannot be defined as surgery, radiation, or systemic therapy according to the defined data items in this manual.
Code the reason the patient did not receive radiation treatment as part of first course of therapy.
The dominant or most clinically significant total dose of regional radiation therapy delivered to the patient during the first course of treatment.
Records the total number of treatment sessions (fractions) administered during the first course of therapy.
Identifies the volume or anatomic target of the most clinically significant regional radiation therapy delivered to the patient during the first course of therapy.
Identifies the location of the facility where radiation treatment was administered during first course of treatment.
Records the dominant modality of radiation therapy used to deliver the clinically most significant regional dose to the primary volume of interest during the first course of treatment.
Records the sequencing of systemic therapy (RX Summ-Chemo [1390], RX Summ-Hormone [1400], RX Summ-BRM [1410], and RX Summ-Transplnt/Endocr [3250]) and surgical procedures given as part of the first course of treatment.
Field for pre-1996 surgery codes for CoC and pre-1998 surgery codes for SEER.
Site-specific codes for the type of surgery to the primary site performed as part of the first course of treatment.
Describes the removal, biopsy or aspiration of regional lymph node(s) at the time of surgery of the primary site or during a separate surgical event at all facilities.
Records the surgical removal of distant lymph nodes or other tissue(s)/organ(s) beyond the primary site given at all facilities as part of the first course of treatment.
Date of last contact with the patient, or date of death.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Date of Last Contact [1750].
Vital status of the patient as of the date entered in Date of Last Contact [1750].
Records the presence or absence of clinical evidence of the patient's malignant or non-malignant tumor as of the Date of Last Contact.
The Surv-Date Active Followup is defined as the earlier of the Date of Last Contact and a study cutoff date. The study cut-off date is a pre-determined date based on the year of data submission and is set in the survival program used to derive the seven survival variables.
This flag is generated by the program that creates Surv-Mos Active Followup [1784] and describes how complete the date information is that was used to calculate survival months. This item is one of seven survival variables designed to facilitate a common approach to survival analysis by NAACCR registries.
The survival interval in months is calculated using the month, day, and year of the Surv-Date DX Recode [1788] and the month, day, and year of the Surv-Date Active Followup [1782]. The survival interval is calculated by a program available from your standard setter or NAACCR.
This field is the last date for which complete death ascertainment is available from the registry at the time a file is transmitted. Because not all central cancer registries conduct active patient follow-up, it is necessary to have an option for calculating survival times based on the assumption that the registry has ascertained all available deaths, and persons not known to be deceased are presumed to be alive as of the last date for which complete death ascertainment is available.
This flag is generated by the program that creates Surv-Mos Presumed Alive [1787] and describes how complete the date information is that was used to calculate survival months. This item is one of seven survival variables designed to facilitate a common approach to survival analysis by NAACCR registries.
Because not all central cancer registries conduct active patient follow-up, it is necessary to have an option for calculating survival times based on the assumption that the registry has ascertained all available deaths (state/province and national), and persons not known to be deceased are presumed to be alive as of the last date for which complete death ascertainment is available.
The survival date of diagnosis recode is calculated using the month, day, and year of the Date of Diagnosis [390]. If the Date of Diagnosis [390] has complete month and day information, the Surv-Date Dx Recode will be the same as the Date of Diagnosis [390]. If the day or month is unknown or not available, the values are imputed by the survival program used to derive the seven survival variables.
Records the source from which the latest follow-up information was obtained.
This field is created by the central registry.
Identifies the method planned for the next follow-up.
Name of city of the patient's current usual residence.
USPS abbreviation for the state, territory, commonwealth, U.S. possession, or CanadaPost abbreviation for the Canadian province/territory of the patient's current usual residence.
Postal code for the address of the patient's current usual residence.
Country code for the address of patient's current usual residence.
The date of the first recurrence of this tumor.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, Recurrence Date--1st [1860].
Code for the distant site or sites in which the reportable tumor has recurred.
Code for the distant site or sites in which the reportable tumor has recurred.
Code for the distant site or sites in which the reportable tumor has recurred.
Code for the type of first recurrence after a period of documented disease free intermission or remission.
Official cause of death as coded from the death certificate in valid ICD-7, ICD-8, ICD-9, and ICD-10 codes.
Indicator for the coding scheme used to code the cause of death.
State or country where the patient died and where certificate of death is filed.
State or Province where the patient died and where certificate of death is filed.
Code for the country in which the patient died and where certificate of death is filed.
Code specifying how the conversion of site and morphology codes from ICD-O-1 and the field trial editions to ICD-O-2 was accomplished.
Date the record was last changed or updated.
Date the demographic and tumor identification information on a single primary/reportable neoplasm is available in the central cancer registry database to be counted as an incident tumor.
Code specifying how the conversion of site and morphology codes from ICD-O-2 to ICD-O-3 was accomplished.
For most sites, CS Tumor Size is used to record the largest dimension, or the diameter of the primary tumor in millimeters
CS Extension identifies the primary tumor growth within the organ of origin or its extension into neighboring organs.
CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval records how the codes for CS Tumor Size [2800] and CS Extension [2810] were determined based on the diagnostic methods employed.
CS Lymph Nodes is site-specific and identifies the regional lymph nodes involved with cancer at the time of diagnosis.
CS Lymph Nodes Eval records how the code for the item CS Lymph Nodes [2830] was determined based on the diagnostic methods employed.
CS Metastasis at Diagnosis identifies the site(s) of metastatic involvement at time of diagnosis.
CS Mets at Dx-Bone describes whether the bone is involved as a metastatic site.
CS Mets at Dx-Brain describes whether the brain is involved as a metastatic site.
CS Mets at Dx-Liver describes whether the liver is involved as a metastatic site.
CS Mets at Dx-Lung describes whether the lung is involved as a metastatic site.
CS Mets Eval records how the code for item CS Mets at DX [2850] was determined based on the diagnostic methods employed.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
The CS Site-Specific Factor items (1-25) are used to code additional site-specific information needed to derive TNM or AJCC stage, or to code prognostic factors that have an effect on stage or survival.
This item indicates the number of the version used to initially code the CS input fields.
This item indicates the number of the version of the CS used most recently to derive the CS output fields.
This item indicates the number of the version after CS input fields have been updated or recoded.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 6th edition "T" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 6th edition "T Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for AJCC 6th edition "N" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for AJCC 6th edition "N Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for AJCC 6th edition "M" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for AJCC 6th edition "M Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 6th edition "Stage Group" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This item is the derived "SEER Summary Stage 1977" from the CS algorithm (or EOD codes) effective with 2004 diagnosis.
This item is the derived "SEER Summary Stage 2000" from the CS algorithm (or EOD codes) effective with 2004 diagnosis.
Flag to indicate whether the derived AJCC stage was derived from CS or EOD codes.
Flag to indicate whether the derived SEER Summary Stage 1977 was derived from CS or EOD codes.
Flag to indicate whether the derived SEER Summary Stage 2000 was derived from CS or EOD codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
Records the patient's pre-existing medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer using ICD-9-CM codes.
This item indicates the coding system in which the Comorbidities and Complications (secondary diagnoses) codes are provided.
Date of most definitive surgical resection of the primary site performed as part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Most Defin Surg [3170].
Records the date the patient was discharged following primary site surgery.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Surgical Disch [3180].
Records a readmission to the same hospital within 30 days of discharge following hospitalization for surgical resection of the primary site for the same illness.
Records the dominant modality of radiation therapy used to deliver the most clinically significant boost dose to the primary volume of interest during the first course of treatment.
Records the additional dose delivered to that part of the treatment volume encompassed by the boost fields or devices. The unit of measure is centiGray (cGy).
The date on which the patient completes or receives the last radiation treatment at any facility.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Radiation Ended [3220].
Date of initiation of systemic therapy that is part of the first course of treatment.
This flag explains why there is no appropriate value in the corresponding date field, RX Date--Systemic [3230].
Identifies systemic therapeutic procedures administered as part of the first course of treatment at this and all other facilities.
Identifies any care provided in an effort to palliate or alleviate symptoms.
The RuralUrban Continuum [1993] codes (usually known as the Beale Codes) separate counties into four metropolitan and six non-metropolitan categories.
The RuralUrban Continuum [2003] codes (usually known as the Beale Codes) separate counties into four metropolitan and six non-metropolitan categories.
The RuralUrban Continuum (2013) codes separate counties into four metropolitan and six non-metropolitan categories, based on the size their populations and form a classification scheme that distinguishes metropolitan counties by size and non-metropolitan counties by degree of urbanization and proximity to metro areas.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "T" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "T Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "N" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "N Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "M" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "M Descriptor" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This field contains the numeric representation for the AJCC 7th edition "Stage Group" and is derived from CS coded fields using the CS algorithm.
This data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Pathologic Stage Group.
This data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Clinical Stage Group.
This data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Clinical Stage Group.
This new data item is needed to store the results of the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Combined T.
This item is used to store the results of the source information selected for the derived algorithmic calculation of Combined T, N, and M.
This item is used to store the results of the source information selected for the derived algorithmic calculation of Combined T, N, and M.
This item is needed to store the results of the source information selected for the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Combined T [3616].
This item is needed to store the results of the source information selected for the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Combined N [3618].
This item is needed to store the results of the source information selected for the derived algorithmic calculation of Derived SEER Combined M [3620].
This item is needed to store the results of NPCR's derived algorithmic calculation of clinical stage group based on AJCC T, N, and M and relevant biomarkers and prognostic factors.
This item is needed to store the results of NPCR's derived algorithmic calculation of pathological stage group based on AJCC T, N, and M and relevant biomarkers and prognostic factors.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.
Records the patient's preexisting medical conditions, factors influencing health status, and/or complications during the patient's hospital stay for the treatment of this cancer.